Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My entire body...

is peeling. And it itches. Like crazy. All over. My back, my shoulders, my chest, my armpits, my stomach, my thighs, my shins. 

Yes, I got really really burnt. But atleast even with the peeling I'm still pretty tan. SWEEET!

I still haven't been motivated to write too much. I don't know what my deal is. I can do these little posts, but making a big one is just impossible it seems. 

My car is in the shop. Remember the hit and run? Yes. My little mobile is getting some plastic surgery. I should get it back Friday, but going all week without it has just royally sucked. Royally. Luckily my family is nice enough to drive me the 30 minutes to and from work everyday and let me borrow their car to run my simple errands. But still. I want my car. Oh, and did I mention that there's $2k in damage? Seriously. Seriously! I'm so frustrated!