stressful couple days. On Monday I had a really cute first date, it went well (I think!) and I hope we have a second, however on my way home I was rear-ended and then the guy took off. That sucks. A lot. Now I'm stuck with just a big huge headache. I did get the guys license plate and I did call the police and file a report and now I'm in the process of that whole thing. So needless to say I just haven't felt like writing anything, in all honesty, all I've wanted to do is crawl into the fetal position under the covers, lock the door and be left completely alone. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, but I'm feeling much better today. Much.
I also realized today that I totally ignored my posting obligation this past monday (I'm sure you can understand why). So, in lieu of that, let me update you on my status.
It seems this week might have been a little bit of a milestone for me. I'm not too quick to point out this change because I worry that tomorrow I'll fail. I have gained a half of pound to sit oat 231.0. I'm okay with that too. I finally started adding weights into my routine every other day. Muscle burns calories while fat just sits there. I'm also hoping that this will help tone me up so that even though I might stay the same weight, my pants will be a little looser. I don't do a big to do with weights, just some arm stuff, a few sets of sit-ups and squats. On days that I don't do weights I've tried to stay on the treadmill a little longer aiming for 35-40 minutes. I've also started interval running. After warming up I run for a minute, then walk for two, run for a minute and walk for two. Yesterday I ran for a minute and half and walked for two. I only made it to the gym two times, maybe three last week and I realized my laziness on that was due to not bringing my gym clothes with me in the morning. I definitely changed that this week and it's obviously already made a difference.
And even though my weight hasn't really changed too much this past week, I must say that I feel better from a month ago. The biggest change has been in simple things. No, I don't really have more energy like everyone says you should, and no, my mood hasn't really improved. I do sleep better at night though, like I feel I've really tired myself out during the day sleep. That is awesome. Really awesome. And also I've noticed a change in just how my body reacts to simple movements. A month ago, things like squatting down to pick something up off the ground was tough! Seriously. My face would turn red and it was just a big to-do, now, no biggie. I don't mind at all. It's just like breathing. It's those little things like that that have made the biggest difference.
The second biggest change I've noticed comes in terms of how I feel about myself. So much so that I've been preaching almost to C that she needs to start. I will be the first to say that even though I'm a chubby girl, it doesn't really bother me so much, I don't mind. I don't have a negative self image, I don't stare in the mirror thinking I'm fat all the time. In all honestly, I forget I'm chubby and often think like I'm thin. But since I've been working out, I'm even more okay with myself then I was before because it feels good to accomplish something and notice this little changes. So, even though I may be a size 16, I can run! and I lift weights! and I make it to the gym a few times a week! and all my numbers are low! and that's an awesome feeling, even more so then seeing a change on the scale. It just makes me feel more okay with me and that's worth more than any number on the scale.
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