felt like writing lately. I've just been exhausted and a little busy just living life. I've been trying to hang out with C more since she's been down in the dumps with her breakup. It's important just to spend time with her keeping her busy and her mind off of stuff. It's not easy and it'll take time, but I'll do whatever I can. Yesterday we went to dinner and then just drove around for about an hour checking out all the cute guys. It's getting warmer here finally and they're all coming out of the woodwork!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I haven't really...
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I am so..
tired. Like, so so so tired. I have things to blog about, but I am just toooo tired. Maybe tomorrow.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
You know...
I'm not really sure why people are so upset about airlines charging a 15 per bag fee in order to help with the gas costs. Do people seriously not realize how much is effected by the cost of gas? Everything is! If gas is rising, so aren't the prices on everything else. I guess I'm just not surprised at all. But I wish that instead of sitting here and complaining about the price of gas that people would seriously work harder at conserving it. I do everything I can to extend the life of my gas and long as I can and I try to inspire others to do the same. It goes farther then that though. We really need to be proactive and begin to live a greener lifestyle. There's so many little things that people can do without even realizing it. I think of the most simplest ones is to stop using plastic AND paper bags. Bring your own. I do. It's so easy and if you look at every plastic bag in terms of gasoline, maybe it'll help you to use them more often.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ever notice...
how flexible your ears are? I was thinking about it today as I was driving home from the mall (Yes, I bought some amazing shoes. Okay, I'll show you.)
Just imagine those, but in baby pink. I love them so much.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 9:35 PM 1 comments
One line...
means no! It might still be too early, but I still feel a hundred times better!
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I just learned....

That word document is my letter to Mr. H, finally. It came out really well. I'm very proud, all those English classes really paid off. I read it to my best friend C and she was moved. I think she even got a little teary.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 11:24 PM 0 comments
I am never...
drinking that much ever again. Ever. Ever. Ever. Again.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 10:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I've mentioned before...
that I hyper-mile. Well, my goal for this last tank of gas was to make it to 500 miles without filling up. I've done everything I could possibly do to extend my gas life and there were times where I wasn't sure I would make it to 500, maybe only 480 this time. However, I did it though. i made it to 500 miles on one tank of gas, that works out to 33.3 miles per gallon. I'll take it.
- Well, for one, the easiest thing is just taking off a lot slower, barely accelerating at all.
- I also coast to a stop instead of just going going going STOP! I pay attention more to what is coming so that I can coast where ever possible.
- I use cruise control any time I'm on the freeway
- I always set my cruise control AT the speed limit, or even under it if I can get away with it.
- I keep my windows up on the freeway. I don't use AC hardly ever, so I used to drive with my windows down all the time, not anymore. If the car gets too stuffy I just crack the window for a breeze.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
It's about time...
that I stopped thinking and worrying about every other person in this world and focused on me. Finally. I've spent the last two years so caught up in trying to be everything to everyone that I have totally neglected being me for me. It's not a matter of not making time for myself, I do that and trust me, I do that well, but I more so put all my emotional wants and needs on the back burner to make sure everyone else is happy. That is, until now.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
So complicated.
I've been feeling so completely overwhelmed this past week. Things have happened that I never expected in a million years and I won't try and explain all of them here, some of them are private. But for one, Mr. B coming back, I just didn't expect it and now that he is and things are feeling crazy different then they ever have before, it's like he's just not that into it. And, I've just not been this unsure in such a long time.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 5:15 PM 0 comments
You must...
You must watch Mr. Magorium's Magic Emporium.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I wonder..
Some people wonder why I still live at home. I make enough to move out, well, if I stopped buying shoes that is. I make pretty fair money. It could be better, but it definitely could be worse and I really have no room to complain after my most recent raise.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
I made it.. YES! That's four days this week. I took yesterday off.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
... and when I kissed Mr. B today after the first time in almost a year, it was nothing like I remembered it being. He was better then before, I don't like to think of why, but I forgot to breathe and I got the tingles. I'm so glad he's home, and I'm pretty sure he's really sick of hearing me say that.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 11:17 PM 0 comments
I work really hard at limiting my carbon footprint. I'm a hyper-mile geek and am up to about 33 miles to a tank of gas. I wear everything as much as I can before I wash it because of the sheer amount of water it takes to do a load of laundry. I use fabric bags or just no bags at all as much as possible. I recycle almost everything I possibly can, paper, plastic, glass, metal, you name it, I try to recycle it. I take the plastic out of my cereal boxes, the cutter off of my foil box and separate them accordingly. I pester other people for not recycling. I even think about cloth diapering when I have a child someday because of the waste that regular diapers create.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Over the edge?
I was bombarded by another bundle of phone calls all after noon. Finally around 730 as I was eating my plain bagel with veggie cream cheese and driving to the mall to look at shoes, which by the way I found none, except a pair of yellow heels I might have to go back for seeing as how I fell in love, I decided to answer my phone. Really, I had nothing to say, but the shear insanity of the never ending ringing was enough to drive me over the edge. How quickly I came to regret that decision though, just as I predicted I would.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 11:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
It's tough out there..
In regards to life, relationships just tend to make things way more complicated then they ever need to be.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
So, he finally called ... after eight days. It almost doesn't even matter any more whether he did or didn't and to be completely honest, I would have preferred him to not have even bothered. What's the point now? He called me all day long and it wasn't until 8 o'clock that I finally decided to pick up the phone and listen to what he had to say. And that was only after talking it over with mom and getting some good old advice on the situation. She told me to answer it, at least hear what he has to say, regardless if it changes anything or not, just hear him out and so I did. Plus I figured that was the only way to get him to stop calling. But, I knew going into it what the outcome would be. And when I think about it, that could be a whole other issue to discuss, the problem of already having your mind made up when going into something.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 9:31 PM 0 comments
May Layout
I finally found a new layout for May. It's so cute, I might have to save it through June. I obviously had to find a pre-made one, I am just not that talented with code.. at all.
Posted by -Lizmaster B at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Shopping <3
So today I went out shopping today. I wasn't really looking anything in particular, except for a couple things for my grandfather's birthday. CL went out with me in an attempt for me to keep her busy and her mind off of things with her crappy (ex) bf. I only semi succeeded in that, but totally succeeded in getting what I needed for a Gramps, and a couple extra things for myself. At T.J. Maxx I was having no luck other than finding some ABBA shampoo and condition. I was about to give up when I my eyes fell on a shirt similar to this one, but in black, and fell in love.

Posted by -Lizmaster B at 11:24 PM 0 comments