that I hyper-mile. Well, my goal for this last tank of gas was to make it to 500 miles without filling up. I've done everything I could possibly do to extend my gas life and there were times where I wasn't sure I would make it to 500, maybe only 480 this time. However, I did it though. i made it to 500 miles on one tank of gas, that works out to 33.3 miles per gallon. I'll take it.
Obviously I'll never make it 600, I only have a Honda Accord, but I wouldn't mind staying at 500 at all, especially with the cost of gas going up like it is.
I've also worked to spread the news to as many people as possible. I found that when people hear a story about someone actually getting that many miles to a tank of gas, it becomes believable and they then begin to challenge themselves to extend their gas as far as possible. I've passed the gas bug onto someone I work with already and I can't wait until tomorrow when I can tell her how I did. And today while I was getting my nails done, I passed the bug onto two others that were there as well.
I always get asked how I do it and I've found that it's the simplest things that make the biggest difference, but it really requires being a conscious driver. You really have to pay attention to how you drive and really in reflection, it's made me a much better driver over all. So what did I do to make it to 500 miles?
- Well, for one, the easiest thing is just taking off a lot slower, barely accelerating at all.
- I also coast to a stop instead of just going going going STOP! I pay attention more to what is coming so that I can coast where ever possible.
- I use cruise control any time I'm on the freeway
- I always set my cruise control AT the speed limit, or even under it if I can get away with it.
- I keep my windows up on the freeway. I don't use AC hardly ever, so I used to drive with my windows down all the time, not anymore. If the car gets too stuffy I just crack the window for a breeze.
Those are the biggest changes I've made. I'm always looking for new ways to improve my mileage so if you have any ideas please share.
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