So today I went out shopping today. I wasn't really looking anything in particular, except for a couple things for my grandfather's birthday. CL went out with me in an attempt for me to keep her busy and her mind off of things with her crappy (ex) bf. I only semi succeeded in that, but totally succeeded in getting what I needed for a Gramps, and a couple extra things for myself. At T.J. Maxx I was having no luck other than finding some ABBA shampoo and condition. I was about to give up when I my eyes fell on a shirt similar to this one, but in black, and fell in love.
It looks A LOT better on me, thankfully. This picture doesn't really do it justice. It was originally $120 and I got it for a mere $19.99. Sweet! It's beautiful and it fits in all the right places. We also went to the mall and checked out Old Navy. I've been looking for some summer jean skirts and I finally found a couple. I also found this shirt that I fell in love with (again). 

I definitely spent more than I had planned on spending today, but that happens sometimes. And, honestly, I didn't really any more clothes. However, I didn't buy a puppy so I think I'm doing okay. I did buy a bathing suit, but I returned it liek 30 minutes later. It was an impulse buy and even though I loved it and it fit great, I bet I can find it cheaper online, and if not, I'm sure it'll be on the clearance rack in the next couple weeks. I'll just have to keep an eye on it until then.
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