I work really hard at limiting my carbon footprint. I'm a hyper-mile geek and am up to about 33 miles to a tank of gas. I wear everything as much as I can before I wash it because of the sheer amount of water it takes to do a load of laundry. I use fabric bags or just no bags at all as much as possible. I recycle almost everything I possibly can, paper, plastic, glass, metal, you name it, I try to recycle it. I take the plastic out of my cereal boxes, the cutter off of my foil box and separate them accordingly. I pester other people for not recycling. I even think about cloth diapering when I have a child someday because of the waste that regular diapers create.
But I'm guilty of taking showers that last at least an hour. I can't help it. There is something so soothing and relaxing about the hot water just falling on me. I love nothing more then sitting in the tub, under the water and just zoning out, it's my yoga. But, no matter how hard I try I can't shorten them up.
Once in a while I like taking baths, and I feel less wasteful that way, but there's something about the lack of soothing water droplets that just isn't the same. I love laying under the shower head with my eyes closed and just daydreaming, but I can't do that in a bath without getting bored and almost drowning.
When the world runs out of water, you'll know who to blame. And, you'll know where to find me.
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